Copyright policy
In accordance with art. 1 section 1 of Italian Decree-Law no. 72 of 22 March 2004, as amended by Law no. 128 of 21 May 2004, the jobs on have discharged all obligations deriving from the regulations on copyright laws and the associated rights. The reproduction, communication to the public, availability to the public, rental and loan, public execution, distribution and circulation without due authorisation of the rights' holder are forbidden. The sanctions provided for under articles 171, 171-bis, 171-ter,174-bis and 174-ter of Law 633/1941 shall apply to any violations.
Ra Light Design - Privacy
The Data Holder is Ra Light Design a company registered under Italian Law with registered offices at Via della romita 107 - Prato in the person of their legal representative.
The processing of personal data communicated to Ra Light Design has objectives associated with:
Business activities
Internal communication procedures
Both internal and external marketing and promotional activities
Administrative procedures and staff selection
Data processing activities for statistical purposes
Financial activities.
The processing of data for the purposes listed above shall be carried out with mainly automated and computerised procedures and shall include all the operations provided for under article 34 section 1 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/03, which are necessary in terms of the processing in question, including the communication with regard to the entities listed under point 4 below. The data shall only be processed by the Ra Light Design appointed staff, holding the relevant password. All the required security procedures have been applied to protect from any violations by non-authorised staff. The personal data relevant to the processing in question can be communicated:
• To Company employees, so as to allow for the processing and filing of data in accordance with the Ra Light Design security standards.
• To assistants, consultants or freelancers that work on behalf of Ra Light Design.
• To data processing centres.
• To Ra Light Design subsidiary companies.
• To their sales network.
• To the carriers, couriers appointed by us for the delivery of goods and correspondence.
• To the Authorities in compliance with the Law.
Should you refuse to give your consent, it will not be possible to carry out any processing of your data in the cases where regulations require express consent to be given and consequently, it will not be possible to fully discharge the services provided and originating from the processing. Provision of data: voluntary.
• The Data owner is granted the rights under article 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 and specifically:
◦ The right to confirm whether or not personal data that relates to him exists. The right to obtain information on the origin of the personal data, its purpose and processing procedures, the logic applied in the case of processing being done with the assistance of computer instruments, the details identifying the Holder, the entities to whom the data may be communicated. The right to obtain the updating, modification, cancellation of data, its transformation into an anonymous format or the blocking of data. The right to object to the processing of data for legitimate reasons.
◦ The right to object to the processing done for the purposes of sending out advertising material or for direct sales or for business communications.
For any further information required with regard to the data processing procedures used for personal data, the request to confirm the existence of personal data, the request to modify or cancel personal data, kindly send an e-mail to with a clear indication of the information or action required.
Person Responsible for Privacy Ra Light Design.
Information forming the subject of advertising in documents and in the correspondence of companies (either private partnerships or joint-stock companies) art.2250 of the Italian Civil Code.
Ra Light Design a company registered under Italian Law with registered offices at Via della romita 107 - Prato
Company Registry number: 02364980975